The purpose statement for the WEPC Men's Ministry is "to point men to Jesus Christ as their sole sufficiency by gathering together, loving one another, bearing one another's burdens, sharing in one another's joy, teaching and applying the truth of the gospel, and serving others above ourselves to the glory of God."

SEcond Monday

Next Meeting: September 2024
6:30 PM / Fellowship Hall

Join us for our monthly gathering of men from WEPC and the community for food, fellowship, and Gospel teaching. Contact: Mike Glasgow 


If you would like to join a group of men from WEPC who meet regularly to study the Bible and pray together, contact Mike Glasgow

Current small groups that are meeting:

(more groups will be added as they form)

Day of week Time Leader/contact info Study Material Location
Every other TUESDAY 7 PM Mike Glasgow James Panera (Regency)
Every FRIDAY 7:30 AM Joe Brown Corner Bakery at Innsbrook

Men's Basketball

Thursdays / 7-9 PM / Gym

WEPC members and attenders (ages 35+) are invited to play some friendly pickup basketball! Contact: Jon Jarvis


Men's Backpacking

God has provided the great outdoors as a way to re-charge, disconnect, and have great conversations with your friends without life's normal distractions. If there are any men who are interested in learning about backpacking or doing short overnight backpack trips, contact Bryce Allison (804-836-8869). Bryce has enough extra equipment to outfit 2 men prior to investing in a lot of gear yourself. *This is an ad hoc activity--if you are still working, we could do it on weekends; if you are retired, we could do it anytime based on your availability.* Happy trails!